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Introducing OKR’s (Objectives & Key Results) at RedCloud

How a rapid scaling fintech found alignment, motivation and consistency with OKR's.

RedCloud aims to be the world’s marketplace for financial services, creating a new connected digital ecosystem, one marketplace for a new integrated and fair financial system, dramatically reducing costs for financial services providers and transforming the way in which manufacturers, distributors, merchants and users transact locally and globally.
RedCloud achieved rapid growth across four continents, headquartered in London with key offices in Buenos Aires, Lagos, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. 
"I'll admit I was skeptical of OKR's initially. The concept was sound but getting objectives right so that the team were concentrating on results rather then tasks took some practice. But ultimately they created much more clarity on how progress was measured, increased predictability and played a big part in us reaching that goal of completing 100% of sprint commitments"
Vincent Curry
Development Director of RedCloud


Top-down buy-in varied from highly engaged to anti-OKR’s based on the presumption of an added admin burden and inflexibility from setting long term objectives. 


OKR programme was designed with headline annual objectives, from which departments take responsibility for their own OKR’s. Rollout designed incrementally, starting with the highly engaged department heads. Employee career development to be closely aligned with company objectives, therefore amplifying the effect and adoption of both programmes.


Company-wide objectives that were measured, assessed and most of all transparent led to a dramatic increase in motivation (+35%) and decreased attrition. Increased clarity on deliverables and extra support to individuals highlighted as bottlenecks increased productivity and business progress. 

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